Thursday, 29 July 2021

UoG - This is Our Time

The University of Greenwich has been running a series of three events entitled 'This is Our Time'. Yesterday was the turn of Medway campus, to celebrate all that the university does here. There were speeches and videos, thank yous and bubbly; and, as always, Erkan and his team put on a fabulous BBQ.

There were also a number of engineering, science and NRI related stands to explore in Pembroke building. These are my two favourites ...

Our great forensics team, showing us how to do finger printing.

My thumb and hand prints 😀

Secondly, one of our paramedics taught me how to intubate someone. It's super hard 😟 I might have saved his life in the long run, but I think I broke his teeth in the process 😟

Thanks to everyone who had a part in organising this day. It was great to see some colleagues again 😀

Tuesday, 27 July 2021

Take Ten - How to be a People Helper

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Take Ten - How to be a People Helper

Gary Collins' book 'How to be a People Helper' is a really good read. It is most often those around us - friends & family - who help to guide and support and comfort when we face the doubts and dilemmas of life. Such 'people helpers' or 'peer counsellors' walk with us in times of crisis and often help us from reaching tipping point. Do you have such people in your life? Are you that kind of person to others?

Traditional Afternoon Tea

Yesterday was Dominika's first experience of a traditional English Afternoon Tea 😀

Aiste, Basel and I never need any excuse for an afternoon treat, in fact we spent half the time recounting the places we've been and what we enjoyed most about them.

Afternoon Tea, traditional consists of the same thing. Firstly, on the lowest level, some cute little sandwiches. Followed by a plain or fruit scone with jam (traditionally strawberry) and clotted cream. The biggest decision one has to make here is whether to go Cornish style (jam first followed by a dollop of cream)  or Devonshire (cream and then the jam).  
Personally I'm a Devonshire girl 😀😀
After filling our bellies we took a drive in to Dover, paddled and walked along the beach.
Found this great cut out statue of the singer, Dame Vera Lynn, who supported our troupes throughout the second world war. Her most famous song was entitled 'There'll be bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover'.

Monday, 26 July 2021

CCCU Open Day

I thoroughly enjoyed being at the Christ Church Canterbury University Open Day on Saturday (July 24th). Wonderful to see staff, some of whom I've not seen for many months; but also sooooooo good to chat with students preparing to join us at the Medway campus this September.

Thursday, 22 July 2021


Well, after several days of glorious sunshine, no sooner had we lit the barbecues on Tuesday evening and the heaven's opened ... so typical of British weather.

Fortunately, we were able to take cover 😃

Though we were few in number, there was food a-plenty!!!
Aiste, Basel, Dominika & Amel
Sooooo, good to be able to sit around the table together.

... and dessert was equally scrumdiddlyumptious 😀

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Take Ten - Rule of Life

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Take Ten - Rule of Life 

The word 'rule' may sound rigid or legalistic, but the Greek word can also be translated 'trellis'. A trellis is a structure that provides support for the growth of things such as roses or grapevines. A personal rule of life should be shaped out of our personal values, practices and relationships and its purpose is to assist our well-being and our personal growth.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Take Ten - Nelson Mandela Day

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Ever wonder what it might be like to have a day named after you? Nelson Mandela was not a perfect man, but he dedicated his life to the cause of justice and freedom. A cause which resulted in him spending 27 years of his life in prison. Hope you find this inspiring.

White Cliffs Walk

18 people (Sue is taking the photo)

12 different nationalities

ONE rainy English day

The all important health & safety talk before we set out ...

  • Stay in groups
  • Do NOT go near the edge of the cliffs
  • Oh, and Mrs Knotts Tea room is open for refreshments

Despite the bleak weather forecast 18 of us set out on a great walk along the historic White Cliffs of Dover. Starting at Langdon Cliffs National Trust site (overlooking the port of Dover) we walked an unbelievably muddy trail to South Foreland Lighthouse and back. I'm pleased to report that despite a few slips, we all arrived back unharmed, though rather dirtier than when we'd set out.

The weather was in fact very kind to us, just two sort showers along route; and it was neither cold nor windy.

Youri got to wave Bonjour to his home land of France,
which we could just about make out in the distance.

It was good to find Mrs Knotts Tea Room open, albeit in 'take-away' form. A hot drink, our packed lunch and a wee rest before setting off to try to find a less muddy route 😏😏😏

Aiste, Kirsten, Sue, Jon and Jorsia

Namrata, Kuntal, Corina, Imane

Grace & Cynthia

Niduka & Jeff

Lynne, Dominika, Amel & Youri
Along route I taught a few of the students part of the Hippopotamus song by Flanders & Swann (really showing my age here!!!).
Here are some of the words ...
Mud, mud, glorious mud
There's nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me, follow
Down to the hollow
And there we can wallow in glorious mud.

Check out the full version ...

Maybe now you can understand why I was singing about mud!!

I trust everyone else enjoyed the day as much as I did 😀

"We always enjoy your trips. Today was fantastic, weather was fine for us. We really enjoyed it and had so much fun. Enjoyed the beautiful views."     Jeff & Niduka (Sri Lanka)

"I really enjoyed today's trip! The views were stunning, the company was great, and it's good to know that a little (or a lot) of mud cannot stop us in achieving our goals (even if we did have doubts along the way)."    Dominika (Poland)

"Thank you for a marvellous trip and a fun mud experience!😜"    Aiste (Lithuania)

"Thank you for the trip. I haven't had so much adventure for so long, so I'm really happy."   Jorsia  (Indonesia)