Here at the Medway campus, between the Drill Hall Library, GKUnions and Chaplaincy I think we have done a rather splendid job in seeking to support students. We've had de-stress advice, exam tips, relaxation techniques, pilates tasters, film showings, nail care, massage, pets as therapy dogs, etc, etc.
In addition, I have given away 322 bottles of water, a plethora of sweets, chocolates and lollies, and I've lost count of how many inspirational bookmarks have been taken. All I know is they are very popular and I am constantly printing, cutting, laminating and cutting again :-0
Some student have been nonplussed by me giving away 'FREE STUFF'!! But I've had some lovely comments. One student said, "It's really nice that people understand how stressful this time is." Another told me that she had picked up this bookmark last year and that it had helped to carry her through her first year of study ...
The 'exam de-stress' post I did on April 26th has to-date received 0ver 530 page views!!!
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