After somewhat struggling my way through three months of being home alone, I was thrilled to finally be able to travel westward to stay with my Dad and visit with family.
This is the first photo I took - not sure my smile has been so wide in a while. |
I travelled home on a Friday and on Sunday we enjoyed lunch in Tony & Sarah's garden (brother and sis-in-law). Life almost felt normal ... though minus the hugs 😒
One positive to come out of lockdown is the fact that making this throw for my sis-in-law took just a matter of weeks rather than months. It was good to be able to finally deliver it in person 😀
Many of you know Uncle Bill, he came for lunch one hot, sunny day ...
One evening, Tony, Sarah, Dad and I enjoyed a take-out meal ordered from the pub down the road. All very scrumptious!!
I don't always like photos of myself, but Sarah took this one and I think it's super nice ...
Another day we had coffee with my niece, Heather, and hubby, Damian. How they managed to take a photo of us and we didn't get one of them I don't know. We were probably too busy chatting and eating millionaire shortbread 😋
Then we enjoyed a rather windy BBQ with my nephew, James, and Lydia and the boys, Jonah & Reuben. It was sooooooooooo windy the gazebo broke and almost blew away, and the children's paddling pool ended up out on the street!! But we still got to play football, and build a volcano, and enjoy a local walk before the rain decided to set in.
At one point when Jonah needed to pop in to the house I said I'd sit down for two minutes. His responses was, "No, you need to practise and get good." I thought that was a bit of a harsh comment on my football skills. |
Reuben knows how to play to the camera 😁
My niece, Heather, had a hospital appointment so she, Sarah and I made it a girls' day out - with coffee and cake 😁😁😁 |
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