Friday 26 July 2024

Greenwich Graduations

Seeing students graduate is one of my very favourite things. On occasion there's a student who, I know, has been through immense challenge to get to this point and the sense of achievement is palpable.

So I want to say a


to all who graduated this week, especially:

Elroy, Rohit, Chi, Mustafa, Nonso, Jerinsen, Veron, Alfred, Tendai, Emeka, Faiqa, Deeksha and Harjot. 

Plus Katie James and Immaculate Mwangangi who received their PhD certificates, after much hard work!

Special congratulations go to Chi An Li, who has been awarded a full scholarship to do a PhD at the University of Adelaide. Chi, we pray for safe travels for you, for new friendships, and we look forward to hearing about all your new adventures.

I was super excited to hear that Faiqa has been accepted for a PhD, here at the University of Greenwich, and that I will continue to see her beautiful face and be on the receiving end of a warm hug!!

Each year the universites award several honorary doctorates, and this year, one of those people, was the iconic fashion designer Dame Zandra Rhodes. I was just a tad disappointed that we didn't get to hear from her personally 😕

Once again

If I have missed your name, or you would like me to include a photo, do let me know.

Monday 22 July 2024

On a personal note ...

I am so very grateful for the gift of friendship 💖  This past weekend I went to visit Sue Jelfs in her new home in Leicester. My first visit to the city and I thoroughly enjoyed it 😀

Many of you will remember Sue from her time here in Medway when, amongst other things, she was a faithful volunteer at both World Cafe and TABLEtalk.

The weather was wonderful for the whole weekend. On Friday we enjoyed a wee walk at Foxton Locks; a series of ten locks built in the early 1800s. Followed by an enjoyable lunch over-looking the canal, with some live jazz in the background. 

It was just what I needed to sit and watch the barges, the swans, and the world go by at a lovely slow pace.

Then we took a short drive to the Buttercup Tearooms, enjoying a relaxing coffee & cake; followed by a visit to see the goats and alpacas.

On Saturday, we explored a small part of the city, stopping for a truly scrumptious flat bread, camembert & prosciutto lunch. 
Actually the truth is, we did rather a lot of eating out as we went to Sue's favourite local pub, The Cradock Arms, in the evening.  After my sausage & mash, I enjoyed a wonderful mango and passionfruit posset.
Thank you, Sue for your wonderful hospitality and for making me feel so at home.  The weekend was just what I needed to re-energise.

Diet begins today!!!

Sunday 30 June 2024

Thought for the week ...

A little bit of legacy

One of the highlights of my week is TABLEtalk. We never really know how many students will turn up and, even though we usually have a theme planned, one never knows how it might all pan out.

TABLEtalk has been an integral part of my life for the past 20 years.  Since 2011 alone, TABLEtalk has welcomed 665 students from the following nations (are you ready?)Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Chad, China, Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Peru, Philippians, Poland, Portugal, Reunion Island, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, St Kitts & Nevis, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, UK, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe 👏😀💖

Over the years we've been given lots of feedback, some written, some verbal.  These few comments are just from last week ...

"TABLEtalk = Love 💗  Thank God I chose to come to TABLEtalk ... it is my stressbuster!!"   Abi (India)

"TABLEtalk is a nice place to socialise. I loved the deep, intellectual conversations. Love the connections I've made (and the variety of snacks is much appreciated)."  Vaishnavi (India)

"On thing I looked forward to while coming to the UK was to experience different cultures and meet amazing people. That being said, I think TABLEtalk is one of the most beautiful things that happened to me! The energetic activities, the important discussions, the diverse opinions, and the mental and emotional support that TABLEtalk provides has given me colourful memories that I cherish. Thank you Lynne, Jon, Pauline, Barbara, and everyone else."  Emeka (Nigeria)

"Lynne, thank you for being such a lovely person, your kindness just smothers my heart. I enjoyed all of the TABLEtalks.  Actually, I used to wait for Thursdays, and for our TABLEtalk. It was not just a talk for me but a comfortable place and a heart-opening place where I found many new and wonderful friends.  I found changes in me as well, I've improved my skills to 'think outside the box'. Thank you so much for giving me some space in the sweet family of TABLEtalk."   Sushmitha (India)

"TABLEtalk = games, food, debates, talks, festivals, discussions, friends. Lynne is at the heart of our TABLEtalk. She has always been a person who's approachable at all times. If you feel low or down, Lynne and TABLEtalk is the place where one should be.  So, why TABLEtalk? What's so special?  Well, this is the only place where I was able to be myself. I had the opportunity to learn new skills. I had the opportunity to connect with people from different countries and opinions. This place is always filled with love, laughter and endless memories."  Gulakshitha (Sri Lanka)