Friday 30 October 2020

Week Two Winner

 Photo Caption Competition Winner

week 2 of 10

Not so many entries this week, but several 'corkers'!!

Runners up were:

"Does this green t-shirt make me look silly?"
Amanda (UoG)

"When Halloween is in a few days and you only have lecture notes and a watermelon to your name."
Lois (Greenwich student)

"That's more PPE than some of my class were wearing yesterday!"
Bruce (UoG)

And the winner, chosen by Frank Watton,
Chaplaincy volunteer, is ...

"Trumps latest cure for Covid."
Alison (UoK)

Photo Caption Competition - week 3

OPEN to all Medway Campus students and staff.

Your chance to win a £10 Amazon voucher.

Submit your name, university email address
and caption suggestion to:
before midnight on Thursday, Nov 5th 2020.

Tuesday 27 October 2020

Take Ten - Fearfully & Wonderfully Made

Did you know that you are ...
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

The human body is the most awesome and amazing construction ever.  We often admire architects and designers, we revere creative, mathematical brains and yet, we struggle to accept that behind the phenomenon of the human body there is a Creator.

View Video:

Sunday 25 October 2020

Bargain Corner Update

PLEASE NOTE ... between now and the Christmas break our BARGAIN CORNER will be open on days the Chaplain is in her office. This may seem erratic but should you wish to come and shop at a particular time, please contact the Medway Campus Chaplain directly.

Each week the Chaplain's schedule is posted outside Pilkington 004 😀😀

Friday 23 October 2020

Week One Winner

Photo Caption Competition Winner

week 1 of 10

We had a total of 14 entries for week one of our competition. Some great captions 😂  I narrowed the running list down to FOUR possibilities, and passed the final decision on to someone else 😆

Runners up were ...

"98, 99, 100, ready or not, here I cooome!!"

Manuela (PhD with NRI)

"Please!! Can I have a little privacy here? I need a little bit of 'me' time."

Nicola (UoG Staff)

"Ohhhh boy, I am so good at hide and seek. Award for the best camouflage skills goes to ... ME!"

Aiste, UoK PostDoc

And the winner, chosen by Lynne Savage, University of Greenwich is ...

"How I feel during online lessons when my camera & microphone are turned off."

Jamila (UoG student)

Photo Caption Competition - week 2

OPEN to all Medway Campus students and staff.

Your chance to win a £10 Amazon voucher.

Submit your name, university email address
and caption suggestion to:
before midnight on Thursday, Oct 29th 2020.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Take Ten - The Gift of Friendship

What is Friendship to you?

Good friendships are vital for our em0tional and mental health. They are something we need to prioritise and something we need to treasure and nurture.

View Video:

Take Ten - The Gift of Friendship

Subtitle Slaughter

Subtitle slaughter isn't a new thing. Here are a couple of classics from the BBC ...

Now the challenge lies with so many universities who are having to record technical or scientific lectures which are appropriately subtitled.  It's an almost impossible task. 

Here are just a few that I've been made aware of recently:

'laboratories' turned in to 'bottle trees'

'ionic bond' became 'ironic bondage'   ...  not helpful.

But they get worse ...

'which is known as a vibrio' came out as 'which is known as a vibrator'

My personal favourite, though I probably shouldn't admit it so publicly (oops too late)

'we have got an s orbital' became 'we have got this arsehole'

Friday 16 October 2020

Photo Caption Competition - week 1

OPEN to all Medway Campus students and staff.

Your chance to win a £10 Amazon voucher.

Submit your name, university email address
and caption suggestion to:
before midnight on Thursday, Oct 22nd 2020.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Photo Caption Competition


TEN opportunities to win a £10 Amazon voucher 😂😂

OPEN to all Medway Campus students and staff.

Starting TOMORROW, October 16th 
we will post an image here on the Blog, 
on our Medway Campus Chaplaincy Facebook page
and by poster outside the Chaplaincy office (PK004)

You have one week to submit your name,
university email address and caption suggestion to:



Scams are a Criminal Offense!!!

Unfortunately, students are often the target of a variety of scams.  So, please beware!!

If someone is offering you money or asking for money
- DON'T RESPOND without checking it out first. 

NEVER give out ANY personal information
without checking first. 

Some classic scams involve notification of a tax refund,
or a job offer coming out of the blue.


from Chaplaincy or Student Union or our Campus PCSO

For more information check:
Money Saving Expert website

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Take Ten - Kindness Counts

The United Nations have declared October 17th, each year, as an International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.  

I really believe that the characteristic of KINDNESS is what needs to be at the heart of our response to all aspects of poverty in our world.

Taken when I worked on the garbage dump in Guatemala City,
where many refugees risked daily exposure to toxic fumes
and biohazardous materials to sort through endless rubbish
for items that could be sold or re-cycled for cash.

View Video:

Take Ten - Kindness Counts

Tuesday 6 October 2020

Take Ten - World Mental Health Day

Life is full of stresses - some short-term, some longer-term and consequently more challenging. Some stress is outside of our control and yet other stress is self-inflicted.  We owe it to ourselves to work at building our personal resilience and I want to share some things I've learned through my own personal battles.

View Video:

Take Ten - World Mental Health Day