Tuesday 5 February 2019


Last week at TABLEtalk our theme for the evening was based around the fact that it was 'story-telling week'.  
A long, long time ago, not before the world began, but definitely before the development of the internet, long before the invention of paper & pen, history was passed down the generations through the medium of story-telling.  Still today, story-telling plays an integral part in many faiths and cultures; yet sadly, here in the west, we seem to have lost the art :-(

We began our evening with a game of 'Consequences'  ... which took quite a lot of explaining, but we got there in the end.

Here are my three favourites:

Ed Sheeran met Taylor Swift, on a volcano.
He was wearing a pink shirt with black high
heels; she was wearing his pyjamas.  He said, 
"Come and stay with me please."  She said, 
"OMG, OMG, OMG."  Then they had a 
traditional cream tea and bought a pet lizard.

Barack Obama met Taylor Swift (she's popular)
at a Los Angeles Casino.  He was wearing
a black suit; she was wearing shiny red
boots with a cute pink skirt.  He said,
"What do you think Brexit is?" 
She said, "Stop following me!"
Then they realised global warming was
coming and decided to look for help.

Albert Einstein met Katy Perry on the street.
He was wearing a Spongebob Squarepants
t-shirt; she was wearing swimming goggles
and a rain coat.  He said, "Do you believe
that the earth is flat?"  She said, "Why does
the man always get to speak first?"
Then they went to a 50 Cent concert
and danced to rap music.

In groups of three, students were then given some pictures and they had to make up a story connecting three images.  These are worthy of mention ...

I am Mary. My mum and dad fell in love during their trip to the planet Pluto to discover if you can live there.  I was born in the spaceship and spent part of my childhood there.  My mother was struggling so hard to feed me milk, because there was no gravity. So she made a contract with an alien to supply her with alien baby milk.
One day when I was playing flying football with my alien friends, a big star hit our spaceship and it was crushed and broken. We had to ask other space stations for help.
After four years I am now on earth and a have a cute dog called Bobo.  My lovely father is asking people to help us fix our spaceship, so that we can go again to space with my dog.  To be in space and make my dog fly.  THE END

Sara the Witch lived in Scotland and was known for having all the endangered animals in her house. One of them was a squirrel. This squirrel had superpowers and was the last one on the planet. A lot of thieves had tried to steal the squirrel but the witch and caught the thieves and killed them all.
One day the Ninja Turtle Gang made a plan to enter the house while she was away shopping in London. They broke the security system and killed all the body guards assigned to protect the squirrel and they entered his room.  
They were shocked when they saw him speaking on the phone. As soon as he finished his call the squirrel put a spell on them and turned them all in to witches, just like Sara.  THE END

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