Thursday 2 May 2024

Lesnes Walk & Picnic

Although our numbers were very depleted, the five students who joined Kirsten and I for a walk in Lesnes Abbey Woods last Saturday (April 27th) thoroughly enjoyed the time.

The woods are huge and, as you can see from the map below, we only covered a very small part of it.

We enjoyed a coffee from the lovely kiosk near the entrance, and Kirsten gave us some history of the Abbey ruins.

There were still many bluebells out, carpeting huge areas of the woods.


Thank you Abishan, Arsene, Gulakshitha, Desh
& Adenike for joining us for this day.
Maybe we'll repeat it when the weather is warmer.

BIG THANK YOU to Kirsten who let us
enjoy our picnic in her flat 😀

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