Sunday 25 August 2024

Hever Castle in the rain!

Yesterday eight of us drove to Hever Castle in torrential rain ⛆⛆☔

Niduka, Vinuli, Emeka, Sushmitha, Me, Jon, Pauline & Jeff

After a warm-up drink and despite the poor weather conditions, we were all determined to make the very best of our day 😀

Hever Castle was home to Anne Boleyn who was the second wife of King Henry VIII.  Henry had six wives and none of them fared all that well ...

Katherine of Aragon  -  Divorced

Anne Boleyn  -  Beheaded

Jane Seymour  -  Died

Anne of Cleaves  -  Divorced

Katherine Howard  -  Beheaded

Katherine Parr  -  Survived

It isn't a big castle, more like a stately home really, but it's very beautiful and the tapestries, cornicing and wooden carving are incredible.


The grounds of the castle are beautiful and the gardens were in full bloom

Both Jon and Emeka tried their hand at archery (in the rain) and we got to eat, and share, our lunch in the archery tent (in the dry).

The highlight of the event was the jousting display, and guess what  ...  it stopped raining!!!  My main concern was that the jousting would be cancelled.
It's not every day you get to meet a King!!

to everyone who came,
especially to Jon who helped with driving!

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