It was a wonderful privilege, for Ahmad Taha and I, to share this special day with Basel & Aiste 💕
Nana waits patiently to play her part in the ceremony - fortunately the registrar didn't realise we had snuck in three guests rather than two!!
It was a wonderful privilege, for Ahmad Taha and I, to share this special day with Basel & Aiste 💕
Nana waits patiently to play her part in the ceremony - fortunately the registrar didn't realise we had snuck in three guests rather than two!!
Throughout life's journey we meet all sorts of people who are different to us. Those of different faiths or no faith, different cultural backgrounds and upbringings, different gender identity or worldview or political stance. Each time we meet such differences we are faced with a choice ...
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A BIG THANK YOU for your patience as we have been working to get our Medway Faith Space open safely 😀
Our Faith Space will be opening,
from Tuesday, September 29th.
Until further notice the space will be open for Islamic prayer:
Monday - Thursday 1-3pm and 4:30-6pm
Fridays 4:30-6pm only
PLEASE download the NHS Covid-19 app
and use this to scan the Faith Space QR code
as you enter.
See ISOC poster for further Covid-19 safe guidelines:
Once the Faith Space is at capacity, for Islamic prayers,
it should operate on a 'one out - one in' basis.
For information regarding Friday Prayers,
please contact ISOC or GKSU directly.
We ask you to abide by these guidelines, which are in line with government ruling and have been discussed at length between the University of Greenwich, the Medway Campus Chaplain, ISOC and GKSU.
If you represent a Faith Society at Medway
and wish to make use of this Faith Space,
this should, in the first instance, be discussed
with the Medway Campus Chaplain.
Some of you may remember that back on October 15th last year I had the privilege of being a witness at Arshad & Daria's civil wedding 💕
Over the August bank holiday they joined with friends in Santorini for a sun-kissed celebration. Sadly, covid-19 prevented a number of people from making the journey, including myself, but those who went enjoyed the celebration and the beauty of the island.
Some of you will remember Vino, who studied at the University of Greenwich around 2014. Vino was part of the memorable long weekend trip we took to Tewkesbury, Stratford-upon-Avon and Oxford.
The start of something new holds the possibility of something great. Let's begin this new season, this new academic year with the right attitude and the right perspective; letting go of what's behind and looking forward to what's ahead.
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Something new ...
Check out our introduction video here:
This has indeed been a strange season in life, and it isn't quite over with yet. One thing I have realised afresh during these months is how important it is for us to have HOPE, to have something to hold on to. In the short-term that may be as simple as having a get together with family or friends you've not been able to see for months. In the medium-term, if you're anything like me, it's about making plans to go somewhere nice on holiday once it's safe to do so. In the long-term, it's about our life journey and encompasses our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
TABLEtalk is coming
This is a fun, interactive weekly event created primarily, but not exclusively, for international students. TABLEtalk is a fantastic forum to help you make new friends, improve your English language, learn about British culture and develop better cross-cultural understanding.
This autumn term TABLEtalk will begin on
Thursday, October 1st
running for ten weeks from
7:30-9pm via Zoom.
Check out our video...
Our programme will include topics like Culture Shock, Public Speaking, Stress Management, Team Work, etc, all of which will assist you in your studies.
To register your interest or for more information, email Lynne and Kirsten at:
Our Bargain Corner is a fabulous place to buy good-quality, pre-loved kitchen items, bedding and warm winter clothing. We also sell second-hand books and some stationery.
For more details of what's on offer and prices, check out this link:
This term, because of Covid-19, there will be certain restrictions around shopping at the Bargain Corner:
1. Book your half hour shopping slot by emailing the Medway Campus Chaplain or calling by to make an appointment. 📅
2. Please note that we are currently only selling household items and bedding. If you are in need of winter clothing please come and talk to us 😀
3. You are required to wear a mask 😷
4. We will provide you with disposable gloves which must be worn while shopping 🧤
5. No eating or drinking in the Bargain Corner
6. Only one person can shop at any one time (unless you are from the same accommodation)
7. Card payment only (if you do not yet have a UK bank account set up, we can make arrangements for later payment)