Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Take Ten - Holocaust Memorial Day

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Take Ten - Holocaust Memorial Day

Holocaust Memorial Day goes beyond the atrocities of the Nazi regime; it remembers also, the victims of subsequent genocides around our world. But almost always in the midst of horror and atrocity there is hope and light and bravery and heroism. So, I wanted to tell you today about a lady called Corrie ten Boom.

Do you know your Chaplain?

Have you met the Medway Campus Chaplain?

Want to know more about who she is?

How long have you been a Chaplain?
I have been a Chaplain at the Medway campus for ten years now. Originally as a volunteer Chaplain with the University of Greenwich but since mid-2017 as Medway Campus Chaplain, working across all three universities here.

Why did you decide to take up Chaplaincy?
I think Chaplaincy chose me, rather than it being something I pursued.  I am a people-person and enjoy hearing other people's stories. If I can provide some word of encouragement or prayer for any students or staff who need it, then my day has become complete and worthwhile.

What exactly does a Chaplain do?
Chaplaincy exists as part of the support structure for all students and staff and as Medway Chaplain I work across all three universities here. For more information, check out our most recent survey results: 

What did you study before becoming a Chaplain?
LIFE!!!  I never followed the route of formal education but all of my personal and working experience, both here in the UK and around the globe, has brought me to this moment in time.

What is a recent book you have read?
I recently read a novel called 'Conclave' about the choosing of a new Pope. It was one of those rare books that as soon as I'd finished it I just wanted to start reading it all over again - interesting twist at the end!  One quote from the book said this, "Our faith is a living thing precisely because it walks hand in hand with doubt. If there was only certainty, and if there was no doubt, there would be no mystery, and therefore no need for faith."

What music are you loving at the moment?
Hmmmm ...   difficult one, so much to choose from. But here's something that has reduced me to tears more than once recently:  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BA7pdABvpnc

What are your hobbies?
Reading, movies, eating  ...  I would say hospitality and spending time with friends, but so much of that has been stripped away this past year 😢

What is your favourite film?
Oh, another tough one.  Really not sure I can choose.  I like a bit of action, for example 'Shawshank Redemption'. Or something with an inspirational message, such as 'Freedom Writers'. My favourite animation would be 'The BFG'.  But overall favourite, I simply can't choose.

What is your favourite quote?
Probably more a piece of advice rather than a quote. My mother always told me "Take the path of least regret". That has stood me in good stead for many years 😊

Who would you most like to meet and what would you like to ask them?
Wow, who thought up these questions?!  So many people to choose from.  I guess it would have to be Mother Teresa, possibly influenced by the fact that I spent a short time volunteering in Khalighat, Kolkata which was the first home established by the Order of Missionaries of Charity, a home for the destitute and dying. It was a humbling experience.  Not sure of the exact wording of my question but it would be around 'living a life of sacrifice'.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Take Ten - Listening Well

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I believe that the inability to listen well is endemic within our society.
Author Stephen Covey said, “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” Hearing and listening are NOT the same thing. Hearing is simply the physical ability to perceive sound. Listening, however, is something much, much deeper.

Friday, 15 January 2021

TABLEtalk is back!!!

 TABLEtalk started again yesterday 😀😀

It was sooooooooo wonderful last night to welcome back familiar faces from last term, but also to welcome eight newcomers to TABLEtalk.  Amongst the students we had a wide range of nations represented, including: Greece, Cyprus, Poland, Lithuania, Jordan, Thailand, Iran, Austria, Hungary, Nigeria, UK and South Korea (hope I haven't missed anyone??).

Last night was primarily a social, getting-to-know you evening. There was a lot of opportunity to chat in breakout rooms and find out more about each other.

We also played a 'game' called "Would you rather ..."  Initially, I presented the whole group with two questions to respond to:
1. Would you rather visit the Antarctic or the Sahara Desert?
2. Would you rather go into the past to visit your ancestors or travel into the future to meet your great, great grandchildren?

Then there was time in smaller groups for students to create and discuss their own 'would you rather ...' questions.  As always, I was blown away by the creativity of thinking 😀  Here's just a sample of some of the other questions asked:

Would your rather give up
music or give up books?
Would you rather get
married or live alone?
Would you rather be able
to fly or be invisible?
Would you rather star in a scary movie
or in a romantic movie?
Would you rather starve for 5 days
each month or have 5 days of meals
cooked by complete strangers

The topic for next week is going to be based around music and our question to think about in advance is  ...  how important is music within your culture?

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Take Ten - UBUNTU

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Take Ten - UBUNTU

Ubuntu is seen as the essence of being human … it says: “I AM because YOU ARE.” Our humanity is shaped through relationship – we learn to talk, to walk, to interact, to communicate through relationship. We need each other. We learn from each other. We shape each other.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Take Ten - Purpose Driven Life

Author Mark Twain, once said, “The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.”

In his book 'Purpose Driven Life' Rick Warren says “Most people struggle with three basic issues in life.

The first is IDENTITY – “Who am I?”

The second is IMPORTANCE – “Do I matter?”

The third is IMPACT - “What is my place in life?”

How do we go about living a purpose driven life?

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Take Ten - Purpose Driven Life

Sunday, 3 January 2021

TABLEtalk - what do students say ...

Hi, I'm Lynne Martin, I'm the Medway Campus Chaplain. I have been running TABLEtalk on a weekly basis since 2004 but this year, having to facilitate the event remotely, was definitely a first.

It was great to partner with my colleague and friend, Kirsten Wynn (Associate Chaplain UoG) and I believe, this term, we have managed to deliver a useful and interactive TABLEtalk programme.

Together, Kirsten and I have had years of experience of working in cross-cultural settings.

A total of 33 unique participants took part in TABLEtalk this term, though some only came a few times.  TEN of those students were awarded a certificate of participation for completing at least 70% of the programme. 

This is what students said in response to the question 'What did you like about TABLEtalk?':

Arman (Italy)

        It is like a community; we can get   to know each other and could gain   knowledge in many areas.

Nefeli (Greece)
The diversity of the group.

Having a group of people to talk to every Thursday night.

I like the opportunity to meet new people, this was the only opportunity to meet new people and get to know them better.

It was a very good environment for people to socialise and be in touch with people from different countries and discover about their culture.

I liked that we had a chance to talk in smaller groups, because it allowed us to get to know each other better.

To have stress free social chat and to meet new people.

(Sri Lanka)
Meeting people from different countries and learning a little about their cultures.

I can practice my English.

TABLEtalk is a place where we can express ourselves freely and everybody listens to us with patience. Liked it a lot because it’s an interactive event and also includes games.

Lina (Colombia)
I like seeing people at TABLEtalk, we are all international students so can practice our English.

I really liked that it was a regular weekly meeting and I liked that we had a chance to talk in smaller groups, because it allowed us to get to know each other better.

When asked which their favourite themed evening was, students said:

I think I liked [Culture Shock!] the best because I was struggling with culture shock at the time and it helped me to realise it was normal and that I was not alone.

[During the English Night] I learned new things about British culture.

[The Art of Public Speaking] was exciting to test my abilities.

[Studying in the UK] was very useful for new students.

[International Night] was like a mini holiday seeing all the amazing places and getting to know other countries.

17.5% student said TABLEtalk was ‘very beneficial’ and 65% said ‘supremely beneficial’.

Whilst all of the students would like to meet face-to-face, one of the positives of facilitating this event remotely has been that students have joined us from all over London and Kent, and recent alumni from as far afield as Edinburgh, Spain and Colombia.

If you would like to join us for our spring term, starting Jan 14th 2021, please email Lynne & Kirsten at: 
