Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Take Ten - Welcome to Medway

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Take Ten - Welcome to Medway

As Medway Campus Chaplain, I welcome both new and returning students. Chaplaincy is here to support all students, regardless of faith, ethnicity or gender, through their student journey. Do be brave, stop by my office in Pilkington sometime to say hello.

Monday, 29 August 2022

Chaplaincy News - Sept 22

Welcome to Medway!!

As Chaplain I work across all three universities at the Medway Campus.  My role can be divided in to three main areas:  Welcome and Community, Pastoral Care and Well-Being, and Faith Provision.

You will find our multi-faith Faith Space in Pilkington building (PK039). Please use this space quietly and respectfully.

I run a variety of regular events and also occasional trips or social gatherings. My office door is often open and I enjoy meeting new people, so why not pop by to say hello sometime😊

For more information or to sign up for either of the above

Welcome events please contact the Medway Campus Chaplain.



Our Bargain Corner is a hugely successful sustainability project which seeks to serve all students and staff at Medway.

Good-quality items have been donated by former students, staff, friends & family. We sell them at a ridiculously cheap price.

The benefits are three-fold:

1.     Preventing items from going to landfill.

2.     Saving students LOTS of money.

3.     All money raised goes back to subsidising other student          activities.

Visit Chaplaincy in Pilkington building between

Sept 12th - 29th for our new academic year sales.

beyond those dates simple contact or visit the 

Chaplain for any needs.

TABLEtalk has been running since 2004. In that time, students from almost 70 different nationalities have benefitted from the opportunity to:
👍 Improve their English language skills.
👍 Engage in fun, interactive discussions.
👍Gain increased understanding of cross-cultural communication and dynamics.
👍 Make some deep friendships, that will stand the test of time and distance.

“I enjoyed all the activities/gatherings/events that I witnessed with the Chaplain. TABLEtalk was a key target and a weekly countdown for me as it took my head off any stresses whether academic or personal. I learned new things, had fun, practice  my English, gained more confidence in speaking with people and getting to know them. It has countless advantages. Thanks, for everything.” 

Ahmad (Egypt)

Our World Café runs every Wednesday

and is open to all Medway students.

We will re-start on Sept 28th.

Sacred Space is a new monthly gathering

for Christian students. 

Contact the Medway Campus Chaplain for more details.

“We may speak different languages, but we all smile in the same language.” 
Surajit Roy

Take Ten is a monthly reflection posted on our YouTube channel ‘Take Ten with Lynne’. These are created to encourage, inform and explore different topics.
July 2022  -  New Horizons
New to university? Excited about the new horizon ahead of you? Be sure to prepare well and consider how you can deal positively with so much newness and change.
View video:

August 2022  -  Welcome to Medway
Chaplaincy is here to support all students through their student journey, regardless of faith, ethnicity or gender. Do be brave, stop by my office in Pilkington sometime to say hello.
View video:  

DATES for your DIARY
Sept 22nd - Traditional Cream Tea Welcome **
Sept 24th - Rochester Trip with Quiz Trail **
Sept 28th - World Café re-starts
Sept 29th - TABLEtalk re-starts 

Oct 22nd - Trip to Oxford (tbc)
Nov 5th - Fireworks Night
Nov 26th - Trip to Canterbury (tbc)
Dec 3rd - Dickens Christmas Fair 

** = pre-registration required          tbc = to be confirmed

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Thought for the week ...

Medway Pride

It was an honour and a privilege to participate in the Medway Pride walk and event yesterday in Rochester.  I joined together with colleagues from the University of Kent, University of Greenwich and Christ Church Canterbury University, plus a number of church friend.  There should hopefully be more photos on the way 😀
Many thanks to Chris, Pauline and Vicki (& family) for joining with us 👍👍

On a personal note ...

I have just returned from two wonderful weeks in Tenerife. Most days it was probably cooler than it has been here in the UK, but I had a wonderful time and have come back well rested 💤💤

During the two weeks I enjoyed time by the pool, enjoyed some good food, read six books, explored much of Puerto de la Cruz, and conquered the local buses to explore further afield.

Puerto de la Cruz is situated in the north of the island, an area that is lush and green in comparison to the barrenness of the south.

My hotel ... Parque San Antonio. Just 15 minutes walk to the town centre (though almost everywhere is either up hill or down dale).

There was a lot of stopping for refreshments. I have several images of coffee & cake from different cafes, but the one above was my very favourite which I visited several times. No, the topping is not ketchup & mustard 😠 it's mango and papaya 😀

I met a lady called Karen, and we enjoyed an evening exploration of the town. For some strange reason the backdrop of this photo looks false, but I can re-assure you that it isn't!!

Spain is known for some of its street art and that is true also of Tenerife. Most places I visited, if you bother to look upwards, has some great art work.

One of the highlights of my week was due to be a trip to Mount Teide, one of Tenerife's volcanoes and the highest point in all of Spain.
Sadly, on the day, the cable car that takes you almost to the top wasn't running because of high winds 😞😞  As a result, we got a partial refund and also got to see other parts of the National Park that wouldn't normally be included.  It was still a real disappointment though.


Other days took the local bus to various other towns, including Santa Cruz ...

San Cristobal de la Laguna ...

And my favourite place, La Orotava ...

My apologies if you're bored, this is already proving to be a rather long blog entry, even though I still have many photos I've not included.  Here are my final thoughts ... relating to the beauty and the nature of the island.  
I visited many parks and two botanical gardens and loved all the flowers and trees. Some of these may be very familiar to some of my international friends, but many were new to me.

Such beauty, such creativity, speaks directly to me of the presence of a Creator God, a grand designer of our world.