Saturday, 22 March 2025

Well-Being events

On a regular basis I am involved in a variety of well-being events around campus.  There is a constant need to raise awareness, amongst students, of the services available to them, from Chaplaincy to Faculty Student Advisors to University Counsellors.

In recent weeks we have run a number of well-being cafes. Our University of Kent event, in respect of University Mental Health Day, was especially well attended.  Our inspirational bookmarks, free cakes and the mind-apples tree were all popular; but nothing quite attracts as a Pets As Therapy Dog!!!

The mind-apples tree was there to encourage people to share what five things they do to help take care of their own well-being. Family and friends featured highly.

Our next Well-Being Cafe will be on Wednesday, April 9th, in respect of Stress Awareness Month, and will also provide students with some pre-exam de-stress advice. Why not join us for this event 😀

Friday, 21 March 2025

TABLEtalk Quiz Night

As always, many thanks to those who came for our TABLEtalk Quiz Night yesterday. Much appreciated, especially as many of our students are busy, busy with assignments.

Here are a few sample questions to test your brain. Answers will be at the end of this post ...


1. What is the M in MRI?

2. What is the S in LASER?

3. What is the Y in DKNY?


1. What is a group of apes called?

2. What is a group of frogs called?

3. What is a group of idiots called?


1. What word comes before weight, house and bulb?

2. What word follows friend, battle and scholar?

3. What word follows pencil, suit and nut?


1. The vacuum cleaner was invented by Mr Hoover.

2. Mr Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer.

3. The VW Beetle was designed by Mr Porsche.

ALL of our groups did extremely well!! I never make it too easy for them and I hope, in the process, they learn something new.

In third place with 91 points were
The Blue Baracudas; made up of
Vaish, Sush and Sukant

In joint second place with 107 points were ...
The Green Giraffes:
Gulakshitha, Emeka & Mercy

The Orange Owls:
Sudeept, Himanshu & Victor

Our winners, with 129 points were
The Purple Panthers; made up of
Colette, Daniel & Laiba



1. Magnetic

2. Stimulated

3. York


1. Troop

2. Army

3. Thicket


1. Light

2. Ship

3. Case


1. False

2. True

3. True

Monday, 10 March 2025

Historic Oxford

It has, quite simply, been tooooooo long since we've been able to organise our own Chaplaincy coach trips.  So, I'd like to thank each of the Universities @ Medway for the increase to our activities budget.  Our day in Oxford this past weekend felt really special 💖💖💖

I'd also really like to thank all the students for turning up on time, both to leave Medway and to return home 🚌 

Unfortunately, the toilets on the coach were not accessible on the route to Oxford (will speak with the coach company), which meant we needed a stop at the services which, in turn, made us late and robbed us of some time in Oxford. Thank you, everyone, for not complaining too loudly. I always struggle when there's an issue that's outside of my control.

Anyway, that's enough of that  ...  now to the good part. Photos and feedback from students, all of whom seem to have really enjoyed their day.


For me, personally, the day was super special as I got to spend it with Dominika, one of our Greenwich alumni.  
Dominika graduated in July 2022 and stayed in my home for several months before landing herself a good job in Oxford. We had not seen each other for three years, so there was a LOT of catching up to do.