Sunday 1 September 2019

On a personal note ...

If you have never been to Ireland, either Northern Ireland or the Republic, I would highly recommend a trip. It is such a stunning part of the world.

Hazel, Alison, Derek, Me & Stuart

It was great to spend some days catching with friends that I'd not seen for three and a half years  ...  too long!!!

Stuart and Hazel have a beautiful home and the view below is what I looked out to each morning.

One of the days we took a lovely day out to The Giant's Causeway, which is one of the natural wonders of the world.

The legend goes that the Irish giant, Finn McCool, was going about his daily duties when one of his enemies, a Scottish giant named Benandonner, who lived in Fingal's Cave on the Island of Staffa, started shouting insults at him.  He accused Finn of being weak and no good at fighting. Benandonner shouted, "If I could get my hands on you I would make sure you can never fight again. But unfortunately I can't swim. So we'll never know who is the stronger of the two of us."
Finn was so enraged that he tore large pieces out of the nearby cliffs and rammed them down into the seabed making a causeway between Northern Ireland and Staffa. "Now you have no excuse," shouted Finn.
However, when Finn caught sight of his Scottish rival and realised how big he was, he began to wonder if he had taken on more than he could manage. So he devised a clever plan. He decided to disguise himself as a baby, lie down in a large child's cot and pretend to be asleep. When the Scottish giant arrived at Finn's house, he noticed the cot and the sleeping 'baby' and suddenly felt afraid.  "My goodness," he thought, "if this is the size of the baby, what size must the father be?" Without waiting around to find out, he turned on his heels and ran like he had never run before. He raced back to Scotland, destroying the causeway as he went. The only parts of the causeway that remain to this day and the coast of Northern Ireland and Fingal's Cave, Isle of Staffa, Scotland.

We also had a couple of visits to Londonderry, walked along the walls of the town, drank coffee and ate cake.

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