Friday 26 July 2024

Greenwich Graduations

Seeing students graduate is one of my very favourite things. On occasion there's a student who, I know, has been through immense challenge to get to this point and the sense of achievement is palpable.

So I want to say a


to all who graduated this week, especially:

Elroy, Rohit, Chi, Mustafa, Nonso, Jerinsen, Veron, Alfred, Tendai, Emeka, Faiqa, Deeksha and Harjot. 

Plus Katie James and Immaculate Mwangangi who received their PhD certificates, after much hard work!

Special congratulations go to Chi An Li, who has been awarded a full scholarship to do a PhD at the University of Adelaide. Chi, we pray for safe travels for you, for new friendships, and we look forward to hearing about all your new adventures.

I was super excited to hear that Faiqa has been accepted for a PhD, here at the University of Greenwich, and that I will continue to see her beautiful face and be on the receiving end of a warm hug!!

Each year the universites award several honorary doctorates, and this year, one of those people, was the iconic fashion designer Dame Zandra Rhodes. I was just a tad disappointed that we didn't get to hear from her personally 😕

Once again

If I have missed your name, or you would like me to include a photo, do let me know.

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