Monday 22 July 2024

On a personal note ...

I am so very grateful for the gift of friendship 💖  This past weekend I went to visit Sue Jelfs in her new home in Leicester. My first visit to the city and I thoroughly enjoyed it 😀

Many of you will remember Sue from her time here in Medway when, amongst other things, she was a faithful volunteer at both World Cafe and TABLEtalk.

The weather was wonderful for the whole weekend. On Friday we enjoyed a wee walk at Foxton Locks; a series of ten locks built in the early 1800s. Followed by an enjoyable lunch over-looking the canal, with some live jazz in the background. 

It was just what I needed to sit and watch the barges, the swans, and the world go by at a lovely slow pace.

Then we took a short drive to the Buttercup Tearooms, enjoying a relaxing coffee & cake; followed by a visit to see the goats and alpacas.

On Saturday, we explored a small part of the city, stopping for a truly scrumptious flat bread, camembert & prosciutto lunch. 
Actually the truth is, we did rather a lot of eating out as we went to Sue's favourite local pub, The Cradock Arms, in the evening.  After my sausage & mash, I enjoyed a wonderful mango and passionfruit posset.
Thank you, Sue for your wonderful hospitality and for making me feel so at home.  The weekend was just what I needed to re-energise.

Diet begins today!!!

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