Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Take Ten - The Tale of Three Trees

To celebrate Easter I simply want to share with you my very favourite story - 'The Tale of Three Trees' by Angela Elwell Hunt.

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#WorldFest2021 Virtual World Tour

 World Fest 2021 is drawing to a close. This great annual event is spearheaded by the University of Kent, but it's something Medway Campus Chaplaincy has partnered with for a number of years.  Sadly. this year we were unable to facilitate our normal Afternoon Tea with GKSU 😔 However, going virtual has brought with it many new ideas.

Amongst those ideas was a fabulous Food Calendar, which I'm sincerely hoping will remain live for all to see. Do take a look:

Cultural Food Calendar

Medway Chaplaincy's offering for the month was a Virtual World Tour. A series of excellent videos put together by Medway students and alumni, to showcase their home cultures. In a time when international travel is almost impossible, this was a welcome project for someone, like myself, who has an integral sense of wanderlust 😀😀🛪🛪

We begin our journey by travelling east to a country I really love and have visited a couple of times. Oh, what I'd give right now to be eating Pad Thai in the street markets of Bangkok or relaxing on one of the beaches of Koh Samui ...

Thailand with Pattamanan

Just a little closer to home we visit the beautiful island nation of Sri Lanka with our tour guide Veron. So much to see in such a relatively small country. Love the culture, love the scenery, especially love the food!

Sri Lanka with Veron

Almost back on our doorstep, but a place I've never really explored (note to self, must change that!!). Thank you Adam, for this great showcase of a beautiful part of the UK.

Now for a nation that is high on my list of places to visit. Michel takes us to the land of the Pharoahs ... Egypt.  One day I'll get there.

From the desert to a land of forests and fields, rivers and lakes. Thank you Aiste, for showcasing your home nation. Why is it that everywhere I go I love the food?!

Another island nation, one I lived in as a child. This video makes me want to go back. Thankyou, Anastasia & Stephanie, for a great tour of your beautiful land.

Tano took a different and very entertaining approach to his video, comparing British and Italian cuisine. Hope this makes you smile as much as I did 😂

Italy with Tano

Another nation I really enjoyed, but one I also need to see more of.  Dominika takes us to the beautiful and historical nation of Poland. Yet more good food 😀

Poland with Dominika

Now here's an island nation I'd love to visit - maybe one day. Problem is, I might not want to come back home again 😎😎

Grenada with Troy

Somewhere I really loved - so we get to visit it twice 😀 We're back in Sri Lanka, this time with Jeff as our tour guide.

Sri Lanka with Jeff

If you would like to showcase your home nation and your culture, please contact the Medway Campus Chaplain for more information.

Friday, 26 March 2021

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a symbolic gesture of commitment to preserving our planet. It’s a reminder that small actions can result in BIG DIFFERENCE. 

🌍When: 8:30pm Saturday 27th March 2021

🌍Where: Wherever you are, you can take part. All you need to do is switch off at 8:30pm local time. 

🌍Who: You! Earth Hour is one of the world’s largest environmental movements, joined by millions of people across the world.

🌍Why: Joining the big switch off reminds us that even small actions can make a BIG DIFFERENCE. 

🌍How: Switch off for ONE HOUR at 8:30pm! For other things you can do to get involved check:


Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Take Ten - the Power of Forgiveness

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No doubt on multiple occasions you have been faced with the choice to forgive the wrong-doings of another.  Let's be realistic - forgiveness is tough!  We need to understand what forgiveness is and what it isn't; and see it as both a choice and a process.

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Take Ten - World Water Day

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Take Ten - World Water Day

March 22nd each year is recognised by the United Nations as World Water Day. Water is essential for life. It alleviates thirst. It provides refreshment and renewal and growth.  In many faiths  -  including Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism  -  water is a sacred element, something that speaks of life and purification.  In the Bible, water is also used in a very symbolic sense. 

National Day of Reflection and Remembrance

National Day of Reflection and Remembrance
March 23rd, 2021

Lynne Martin, Medway Campus Chaplain, invites all Medway staff and students, from each of the universities, to submit names of any loved ones lost in this past year, whether or not that loss was directly covid-related. These names will be entered in to a Medway Campus Book of Remembrance.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

When our prayers remain unanswered

In times of challenge and difficulty, how do we deal with unanswered prayer? How do we respond when God appears silent?  I know in my own life when my prayers have remained unanswered I'm faced with the choice to walk forward in trust and faith even though the way ahead feels so uncertain. Maybe that's what this year of Covid has felt like for many of us.
Wanted to share this prayer attributed to a Confederate soldier during the American Civil War (thanks to Lectio 365).
I asked for strength that I might achieve;
I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey.

I asked for health that I might do greater things;
I was given infirmity that I might do better things.

I asked for riches that I might be happy;
I was given poverty that I might be wise.

I asked for power that I might have the praise of men;
I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God.

I asked for all things that I might enjoy life;
I was given life that I might enjoy all things.

I got nothing that I had asked for,
but everything that I had hoped for.

Almost despite myself my unspoken prayers were answered;
I am, among all men, most richly blessed.

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Take Ten - International Women's Day

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Take Ten - International Women's Day

Personally, I am far from what you might call a feminist. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t women that I deeply admire and respect.  Women who I believe have made a significant and positive impact on our world. Today I want to tell you about three such women.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

University Mental Health Day

NOW more than ever - we need to be talking about mental health and reaching out to one another. 

Even the strongest and most resilient of us are no doubt experiencing 'covid-fatigue'.

Maybe your 'capacity cup' is full to overflowing; and you wish you could just get off this 'anxiety roundabout'?  It is therefore important to set 'realistic expectations' in these tough days.

There is no one correct way of getting through this time. Coping strategies will vary from person to person. But we owe it to ourselves to place our own physical, mental & emotional well-being as a very high priority in this time. So, how do you go about creating 'pockets of joy and relaxation' in your day? What is it that helps you depressurise?

I recently read this excellent free e-book by clinical psychologist, Dr Emma Hepburn and cannot recommend it highly enough  ...  what sensible, solid, practical, down-to-earth advice!!!  Thank you, Dr Hepburn 😀😀👍

How to Stay Calm in a Global Pandemic

Dr Emma Hepburn copyright (C) 2020

For further advice regarding support from our Medway Universities' well-being teams, please check our the links below.

University of Kent Wellbeing

CCCU Wellbeing

University of Greenwich

Student Minds also provide lots of practical support for students; and, our University Chaplains are available for a listening ear and some pastoral support.

Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Take Ten - Holding on to Hope

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Desmond Tutu said, "Hope is being able to see light despite the darkness,"  But, what is the HOPE exactly, where is the HOPE we hold on to in the dark times? 

Monday, 1 March 2021

Celebrating our Patron Saints

Patron saints are chosen as protectors or guardians and traditionally these people were viewed as someone to aspire to, as an image of how to live life well.  

St Francis of Assisi loved nature and wildlife so he was made the patron saint of animals. 

Many nations of the world have a Patron Saint ... I wonder who is yours? 

March 1st each year is St David's Day. St David is the Patron Saint of Wales.

            Here Aiste, Wayne & Yihan win a prize for the most creative dragon.

On March 17th, we will celebrate St Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland. Below are the students who all received 'green' prizes at TABLEtalk, after finding one of our hidden four-leaf clovers.

Rhandi, Enrique, Aiste, Jaff, Jessie
Afaf & Yihan

In Medway we usually celebrate St George's Day (April 23rd) by taking students to the local English Festival. What a shame it won't happen again this year 😕😕

And last, but not least, November 30th each year is a great time to celebrate the Patron Saint of Scotland, St Andrew, by eating haggis, tatties & neeps and having a go at some ceilidh dancing.

World Fest 2021

World Fest each year is usually a week of cultural celebration. Primarily spearheaded by University of Kent, it has been my pleasure in the past to partner with them and with GKSU 😀

In the past, Chaplaincy has helped facilitate a traditionally English Afternoon Tea event within the Student Hub.  

This year, our event is going online and will last throughout the whole of March 😀

Medway Campus Chaplaincy's offering is a 

Virtual World Tour

through which students and alumni are show-casing their culture in a series of videos.  Stay tuned to Medway Campus Chaplaincy's Facebook page for tours of Thailand, Egypt, the Peak District, Lithuania, Sri Lanka and soooooooo much more ...

Check out the following link, for a whole range of events and a month-long cultural food calendar - WOOHOO!!!

World Fest 2021 Calendar