Wednesday 26 January 2022

On a personal note ...

Yesterday I had the privilege of attended the ordination and consecration of three new Church of England Bishops, including the former vicar of St Mark's Church, Saju Muthalaly.  The service, led by Archbishop Justin Welby, was held at St Paul's Cathedral and followed by a reception at Lambeth Palace. Saju, whose full name is actually, Varghese Malayil Lukose Muthalaly, has become Bishop of Loughborough. 

As part of the ceremony, each Bishop is given:
1. A Bible, symbolic of keeping God's Holy Word at the centre of everything.
2. A staff, like that of a shepherd, this is a sign of their calling to shepherd and care for those they have responsibility for.
3. A ring, originally known as the Fisherman's ring, is an emblem of faithfulness to the church.
4. A cross, known as the pectoral cross, is worn close to the heart.
The reception was held in one of the reception rooms of Lambeth Palace.  Food was beautiful.

It was a really special day 😀

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