Then each group was presented with a list of 38 different values and initially asked to remove 10 they thought were less important. The list contained several words of similar meaning such as: commitment, loyalty and reliability. This resulted in some good discussion and I heard one student comment that someone could be "reliably disloyal".
Each group then moved to another table and once again were required to take out another 10 values. This stage proved easier because there was an immediate removal of any values they had pulled out in the first round.
Again, another change of tables and the removal of a further 10 values. Now we had whittled our 38 to a final EIGHT.
Last move ... and the final challenge was to put those EIGHT values in to an order of importance from most important at the top to least important at the bottom.
Here are the final six lists our groups came up with ... soooooooooo interesting!!
When we amalgamated these lists on to the board, it gave something of a better picture of our corporate values as a group.
Personally, 'education' would not appear on my own list of values, but I really shouldn't be surprised when doing this exercise with a group of university students. What I was pleased to see was that 'faith' stood out as the only value consistently appearing in each of our final lists. With integrity, education, respect, trust, visionary, justice and relationships following behind.
Hi Sonali, if you are reading this you will recognise the exercise. I did tell the story of your first week at Warwick :-)
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