Monday 28 December 2020

Staying Positive

I just read this excellent article by the BBC on '5 Ways to Stay Positive through the Winter'

The link below will take you to the full article, which is well worth a read. But here's the briefest precis from me ...

1. Get Moving - a great way to boost your mood. The release of endorphines into your bloodstream help produce increased feelings of well-being. It really doesn't have to be any form of formal exercise ... for me it works just to play some loud music and jig about my house for a while.

2. Stop Over-Thinking - don't dwell on the negative. Shift your mental focus, get active, make a plan, distract yourself with more positive and calm-inducing activities.

3. Set a New Target - a project large or small.  Take up a new hobby, try out a new recipe, introduce an activity that will promote your sense of achievement and self-worth.

4. Talk it Over - share your feelings and your struggles with a friend (or contact the Medway Campus Chaplain).  Talking things through with another person can help reframe your thoughts and gain better perspective.

5, Do it Badly! Don't wait - just have a go!  There's nothing much to be learned by always getting it right the first time. 

BBC article:

Five ways to stay Positive through the Winter

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