Saturday 4 February 2017

Save our Planet!

A BIG WELL DONE goes to Gabriella for scoring 31 out of 40 in our 'How Green are You?' questionnaire. A not so well done to Arshad for his score of 7!!!

After brainstorming some of the issues affecting the environment today ... deforestation, plastics & non-degradable products, weapons & war, over-consumtion, carbon emissions, etc,  each group then discussed a specific topic ...

The girls looked at the issues of 'over-production and over-consumption' recognising some of the fundamental causes as that of greed, profiteering and lack of education. They concluded, amongst other things, that there should be a fine on companies for over-production and/or charities should benefit from such over-production.

Our second group looked at 'ignorance and political lobbying' and decided that re-cycling should be made compulsory, with incentives for 'going green'. Fines should also be introduced for over-consumption. There also needs to be increased education of the effects of climate change; along with government intervention to political lobbying.

Group three reviewed the increased use of 'plastics' concluding that the production of plastics needs to be limited and eventually stopped all together. Greater re-cycling of plastics currently in use must happen but work also needs to happen on finding alternative materials.

Our final group was concerned with 'technology waste'. They agreed that there needed to be greater emphasis on fixing products rather than simply replacing; with a ban on disposing of toxic products. Governments need to make it mandatory for companies to fund research into new materials and products with longer lasting micro-chips. Companies also need to take a more ethical approach to re-cycling.

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