Wednesday 11 October 2017

World Mental Health Day

October 10th, 2017
DID YOU KNOW ...  1 in 4 people will
experience mental health challenges in
their life.
DID YOU KNOW ...  that in the UK,
suicide remains the most common cause
of death amongst men aged between 20-49.
DID YOU KNOW ... approx 20% of the 
world's children and adolescents have a 
mental health disorder or problem.
DID YOU KNOW ...  stigma and
discrimination against patients and
their families prevents people from
seeking mental health care.

We had a great day yesterday, engaging with students & staff on the topic of mental well-being. Working together with the different universities, in addition to the Drill Hall Library and GKUnions was a big plus!! 
Between 10am-2pm a whole series of complimentary events took place across the campus. In the Rowan Williams building, Sharon and her team of volunteers ran a 'Depressed Cake' stall which raised £80 in donations for the charity 'MIND'. In addition, people were encouraged to fill the Mind Apples Tree with FIVE things they do for their own well-being.

The Deep End was manned by a series of mental health charities, and included the ever popular 'Pets as Therapy dogs  ...  always a big hit on campus (unless your name is Basim).  I'm not sure how many people took advantage of the Scream Room. A very BIG thank you to Kim, GKU and others who helped to make all that happen.

David C and David B and a small team of student volunteers helped to facilitate some crafts and adult colouring in the Drill Hall Library.

Last, but by no means least, outside the Chaplaincy office, I was ably assisted by Basim and others in encouraging people to participate in our Five Ways to Well-Being' graffiti board; whilst giving out sweets, cake and mental well-being literature, as well as simply engaging in conversations.

Shifting our focus away from
the negative, towards the positive,
can free us from some of the
debilitating thoughts and feelings
linked with ill-health.

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