Friday 10 November 2017

Stress Management

Our theme at TABLEtalk last night was that of 'Stress Management'.  There are many things that influence our own abilities when it comes to how we deal with stress and within our regulars at TABLEtalk I immediately recognise different approaches from ...
THIS >>>


Remembering, of course, that not all stress is bad, we spent the evening considering three key things  ...

1. Identifying the triggers
What is it that causes us stress? Is it a one-time event such as exams, deadlines; or is it an on-going health, work or relational issue that is causing stress?

2. Recognising the signs
Stress affects us all differently but can be manifest emotionally, physically, mentally or behaviourally. 

3. Addressing the causes
What things are within our power to change and which are beyond our control?  Do we need to make some necessary changes to our own attitudes and lifestyles in order to combat stress, for example learning to say 'no' and better time management.

Unfortunately, the lessons of stress are often learned the hard way but the most important thing is to seek help and advice before you hit crisis point.

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