Monday 16 March 2020

Chaplaincy Update - coronavirus

Dear Students (and staff),

What a strange moment in history we are experiencing. 

There are many unknowns at present and the situation, especially its effect on each of our universities at the Medway Campus, is changing day-by-day. 

Here is some of my advice to you:

1. DON'T WORRY  ...  I appreciate that might be easier said than done, but worrying will only rob you of energy and joy and will not help your physical, emotional and mental health.

2. FOLLOW HEALTH ADVICE  ...  Wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face, nose and mouth, if you need to cough or sneeze use a tissue then dispose of it, avoid physical contact such as kissing and shaking hands, if you become unwell stay home and seek medical advice.

3. CHECK EMAILS AND UNIVERSITY PORTAL REGULARLY  ...  all of the universities are working hard to set measures in place to help protect the health of students and staff. They are taking advice from the appropriate authorities and acting accordingly.

4. DON'T LISTEN TO RUMOURS  ...  please don't assume that everything you hear is actually true. If you are not sure, please ask.

5. DON'T LOOK AT UNRELIABLE WEBSITES  ...  there is a lot of nonsense on the internet and a lot of scaremongering (look that word up if you've never heard it before).
The most reliable websites at present are the UK government and the World Health Organisation:

6. SEEK SUPPORT  ...  as Campus Chaplain I am here to help provide a listening ear and pastoral support to students and staff experiencing increased stress. Please make contact with me if I can possibly help.

7. EXERCISE GRATITUDE  ...  sadly we are not seeing the best of human nature at present, especially in terms of selfish panic buying, etc.  
Let's be grateful to our NHS staff and emergency services who are under increased pressure caring for others.  Be grateful to all those supermarket staff who continue to faithfully serve us, despite the ungracious behaviour of some.

I am praying for this whole situation,

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