Friday 26 April 2019

10 Keys to Happier Living - Acceptance

''Acceptance - being comfortable with who you are.''

''How you know and treat yourself
is central to your well-being.''

Not one of us is perfect, but by being tough and critical of ourselves we undermine our own sense of self, our sense of well-being.  In the world of social media there is a tendency to share updates and images that tend to idealise life.

''Comparing ourselves to others is one of the most toxic things we can do for our happiness and it stops us from nurturing what's unique and best about ourselves.''
** How good a friend are you to yourself?
** How do you find and nurture the best of you?

In this month of 'stress awareness' and indeed, in the months to come, can I encourage you to begin to exercise greater self-compassion ...
>> listen carefully to how you encourage others in comparison to how you might speak to yourself.
>> be willing to forgive the mistakes you make.
>> focus on your abilities and strengths and the things you like about yourself.
>> take some rest when you need it.
>> congratulate yourself when you get it right.
>> write yourself a letter of encouragement to open and read when you're feeling low.
>> be ambitious but don't set yourself unrealistic or unattainable goals.

Understand that self-compassion is not the same as self-indulgence, which is excessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims; nor is it the same as self-esteem, which is confidence is one's own worth or abilities. Self-compassion is about treating yourself with the same level of kindness and concern as you would your very best friend.

''Part of developing more (self) compassion is being able to receive it.''  So, consider how well, or not, you receive compliments, encouragement and affirmation from others.  If you find this difficult, ask yourself why, and maybe seek out someone to talk to about it.

Quotes taken from '10 Keys to Happier Living' by Vanessa King

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